Verdict of the Week

Referendum on EU Constitution

Following Gordon Brown's u-turn on his election manifesto pledge to give the nation a referendum on the EU Constitution, should Gordon Brown have allowed MP's a free vote as promised?

The Government claim that we live in a parliamentary electorate and that it is the duty of Parliament to vote on such matters.

But it seems quite clear to eCourt that Mr Brown has rescinded his promise on the basis that the EU Constitution has been renamed as the Lisbon Treaty, and so he feels he doesn't have to honour that promise. But the EU Constitution is the same document, with the same ideals and even some of the same identical phrases with just a few words, like constitution carefully removed. This is to insult the intelligence of the electorate.

This is a cynical move which is clearly a breach of promise that further erodes our trust in politicians, which was tenuous at best.

The eCourt Verdict, therefore, is that Parliament must allow a Referendum on the EU Constitution or The Lisbon Treaty, or any other name that he cares to give it. Because when a Prime Minister sees himself as unaccountable to the electorate then this is more than just a betrayal of the British people who elected him, it is a death toll for democracy.


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