Verdict of the Week

British Citizenship for The Gurkhas

The Government claims that there are a possible 7,000 Gurkha veterans a claim to settle in Britain, if the law which changed. This seems a strange when we allow hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans, with no previous connection to the country, to settle here and shower them with all the benefits of citizenship.

The Gurkhas are for more deserving than many of the disparate terrorists and agitators that we allow to stay here. The Gurkhas are fiercely loyal to the Crown and to this country. They are hard-working, dignified and unlikely to be a burden on the state. We are pleased to let these men give their lives in order to fight for us in times of war, and yet we deny them the right to live in this country.

Obviously, there would be a steep financial price to pay for allowing these veterans into the country, but it seems to be money that is more worthily spent than on many others with less worthy reasons.

The eCourt Verdict, therefore, is that the UK should allow those Gurkhas who so desire to have citizenship of this country.


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